
Free-Up Your Home Space from Unwanted Clutter


How to capitalize on your living spaces with simple minimalist ideas…


We as human-beings generally love our stuff – it is in our nature to be possessive. Of course, being stuff-obsessed people, we are sometimes enslaved by our stuff more often than we think. An overload of material possessions may often work against our welfare or well-being. Having too much physical possession can literally take over our lives and affect our livelihood, leaving us stressed and feeling depressed. When excessive clutter gets in the way of your life, maybe it is time to reevaluate your spending habit and to reorganize your home. If you do find clutter lurking within your home, in hidden corners and closets, spilling onto counters and cupboards, and creating havoc almost everywhere, it is truly time to take back the control. The following are outlined simple key guidelines to reduce unwanted household junk. Time to liberate the home from a lifetime of clutter!





393418Control consumption

We belong to a society which glorifies consumerism – we often justify spending on more spending. We are constantly bombarded with overpowering advertising and commercial overloads on consumption. There seems to be no end to the culture of consumer spending. Eliminate the temptation to go shopping and avoid the stores whenever possible, even when there is a weekend or garage sale filled with irresistible offers and promotions. Limit your daily shopping to weekly trips if possible to resist or discourage temptation. Purchase only what you require and be utterly strict about this. Make a list of items you wish to obtain and stick with that list with utmost discipline. Unless there is something you truly need, do your household and grocery shopping based upon need rather than on impulse buying.




gty_cluttered_desk_ll_130808_16x9_992Reduce, reduce, reduce

The fundamental key to maximizing home living space is to rid your home of junk and redundancy. The habit of hoarding stuff and accumulating possessions is often perceived as defeating the idea of reducing overall household clutter. For starters, we need to be committed to combat the flow and influx of things making their way into our homes. Perhaps it is time to throw out stuff you seldom require or rarely use. You could even consider donating some of your old stuff to charity, orphanage or old-folks home. Keep what you need and junk the rest if necessary. Retain only the stuff that you love which possess sentimental value to your home.




1 (9)Impose a personal quota

Rethink your shopping habits and adopt a strict shopping policy. Limit your usual shopping extravaganza to just weekly outings or excursions. Attempt to distance yourself from the stark or naked truth of a consumer-driven society so ingrained into buying stuff one often does not need. A society that glorifies shopping offers little help to curbing one’s shopaholic habit. It all boils down to quality control – sieving or filtering out all the excessive purchases and unnecessary possessions. If your home clutter somehow starts to spiral out of control, do set or reserve for yourself a specific quantity of household items for a certain product type to ensure standardized consistency. Once the reasonable quantum of products has been confirmed, be diligent and persistent about maintaining the status quo.




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Prioritize quality over quantity

With the on-going sales season, cheap stuff is readily available for the picking. Sometimes we are burdened with so much stuff from all our shopping activities, simply because they are too good a bargain to pass over. Buying smart is certainly spending wisely on items which we need, and not splurging on items which are cheap but we may not always require. Forking out a little extra for premium products is definitely a wise move, since superior quality is synonymous with robust and longer-lasting products. It also represents a wise and worthwhile investment for the future. Moreover, inferior products do not last quite as long and they need to be replaced or replenished periodically. Overtime, we are left with more stuff than what we bargained for. Having excessive stuff also creates other problems such as overloading of the storeroom, basement and attic. Also, having additional storage space does not necessarily solve the underlying cause or root of the problem itself. The ultimate solution lies with a change in mindset as to what we perceive as junk and what we value as treasure. Eventually, we will have to compromise on what to keep and what to discard. It is undoubtedly a constant battle of choosing between long-term value and short-term savings.

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