
Budgeting Your Household Expenditure Via A Minimalist Home Design


Minimise your home expenses and maximise your financial standing


The definition of minimalism is not merely confined to artwork, home deco or furniture setting. It is the arrangement or configuration of one’s home living space with minimal fittings and furnishings is what defines minimalism. For advocates or proponents of minimalism, the tangible benefits extend beyond cool interior design with minimal home furnishings per se. The minimalist home design also encompasses budgeting or the financial aspects, taking into account the principle of “bare minimum”, i.e. using minimum resources with minimal design or decoration. Among the numerous advantages offered by a minimalist lifestyle is a tidy and uncluttered living space, apart from the obvious savings in purchasing furniture and fixtures. Can minimalism actually improve one’s finances? Let us delve deeper into what it means to be a minimalist and debunk the many misconceptions associated with minimalism.


Of course, minimalism does not necessarily imply getting rid of everything you own. It is more about eliminating things from your life that does not seem to serve a practical purpose or offer value towards your life. In other words, objects or possessions that have little added value or which do not bring joy to one’s life. In short, a minimalist lifestyle encourages happy living without the excess or clutter of fittings and trimmings within one’s home. Having a minimalist attitude is all about putting one’s perspective into place and focusing on things that are necessary only or that truly matter in one’s life.

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Minimalists generally focus upon three basic tenets or key areas, such as life’s experiences, significant or meaningful work, as well as investment in human resources (i.e. human capital and knowledge systems). This literally translates to spending more on experiences as compared to physical possessions; undertaking or performing tasks that are personally satisfying or fulfilling as compared to simply working; and being committed to one’s loved ones more as well as spending greater quality time with them. Aside from the typical job satisfaction, it can be concluded that a minimalist lifestyle extols or encourages a good saving habit, albeit one which would ultimately improve one’s financial future.


True minimalists only buy things that they need, things which could add value to their life. This simply means a complete lifestyle overhaul or overall reassessment of one’s life possessions and priorities. Getting rid of stuff we do not need by means of discarding, donating unused items, recycling unwanted material or even reselling them to earn extra cash. It is deemed as a total lifestyle change, but a change that helps you save precious money in the long term. Reevaluating and reexamining everything we purchase certainly helps to enhance the quality of our life, unless we plan on living a life of luxury. A marked difference of buying additional chairs just to fill some empty space or void in the living room as opposed to having an empty room with just several chairs which are all you will require or actually use.

A minimalist budget cuts out or trims down the financial excesses and extravagance, refocusing on what is truly needed to thrive or survive. By cutting or shelving the undesired extras and luxuries, it leaves us ample room or space to reprioritise money where it belongs, and which brings about the best benefits and creates an optimal financial standing within our homes. With better budget and a debt-free finance, we may finally get to enjoy with unequivocal passion the finer things in life and to live life to the fullest.