
Happiness At Home Begins With Better Childcare


Caring for your children within the warmth & comforts of home

There is a classic proverb or saying that once states that “Happiness at home begins with the wife…” Nothing could be further from the truth as it is often the wife who cares, cooks, cleans and cuddles for the entire family. Family ties in the modern IT era (i.e. “age of the internet”) have somewhat become less intimate, with family members growing farther apart as they get older through the years. Time is of the essence, as the best child-caring years begin at infancy. Toddlers are naturally most receptive to stimuli or external response during this time, since they are easily taught and nurtured with all the early childhood knowledge and experience, which they would require to grow up as independent individuals – all without the excessive doting upon as well as the unnecessary spoiling over them.

An ideal home represents a safe & secure sanctuary for raising our children, be it from an economic standpoint or from a socio-political point-of-view. Providing sustenance and education remains the basic or fundamental responsibility of all would-be parents. It is would undoubtedly be a heavy burden upon first-time mothers as well as single parents to take on the job as full-time parents, let alone as a homemaker or a housewife. Yet, ‘stay-at-home’ dads and single fathers have gradually become a global trend or a worldwide phenomenon. However, a parenting life can be quite mundane and cumbersome. Still, modern parents can learn the fine ropes to become better and more effective caretakers of children.

Parenting today has also become less of a chore and more of a pastime – it is sometimes regarded as “a hobby or recreation” for extended families – whereby grandparents often play a key role in minding “those little spoilt brats”. Although in present real-life situations, happiness at home actually starts with the maid or nanny, since both parents are often busy at work, or are constantly preoccupied with (or distracted by) other stuff. Instead, it is the foreign housekeeper who “engages in family bonding” with our children, as well as “spends unlimited quality time” with them. Perhaps the time has come for us to exercise our rights as biological parents by taking charge of our own children and providing them with all the love, care, support and attention that they truly deserve? – HFM