
The Epitome of SUCCESS and What Does It Mean to You


Redefining success and what it means to each and every one of us in life…



This is what most of us wants but it is so loosely used and many times the real true meaning becomes confusing, unclear and misleading to certain extent. People are constantly finding quick and easy ways to attain it without being able to sustain it. That is may be the reason why many people enter into a rat race. How many of you agree with my humble view? Worst still, its meaning becomes subjective and everyone is trying to give its meaning at the person’s convenience.  Consequently, it seems impossible to accurately measure the level of success. This issue forms our central discussion of this article.






To measure our progress/of success accurately, first we need to ascertain where is our starting point. It is also the best practice to begin with the end in our mind. Then use our vision and strategy as our means to reach our ultimate end. In this instance, our ultimate end, in the long run, is vague due to our BIG DREAM to achieve perfection  may sometimes seem impossible to achieve.

However, its main function is to serve as an inspiration to help us move forward. What is clear and important is for us to attain or accomplish our immediate target. To move to the next level of success, we need to overcome our immediate obstacles along the journey. These obstacles arise mainly due to our current knowledge threshold and unknown factors surrounding us.

Consequently, we have no choice but to carry out initiatives that can accurately ascertain what are the unknown, based on our testing and not based on our assumptions gathered through our past experiences or bondages. To remove these biases, we need to truly know who we are and effectively solve our immediate obstacles that prevent us from going to our next target condition. In other words, we need to discover what the real issues that we are currently facing before we can overcome them effectively even if it is from our own blind spots.

Otherwise, it will haunt us again and again until the real issue is solved. By now, trust you are able to see the issue of purely relying on our underlying assumptions which may not be true in the new situation. In the nutshell, it is difficult to see our own blind spot. The only way is to carry out experiments to determine the scientific outcome we want before we can truly reach our next level of success.



By then, the next plan need to be drawn and our next obstacles which are likely to be different from what we initially encountered. Through experiment again we test our assumptions and gather feedback, check and study them again. Finally, we will then decide to adjust or adapt to the new situation. The similar process will be used continuously to improve until perfection is achieved.

For illustration purpose, I use my 3Bs’ business model which I began with Blog at my late 40s. That formed my tangible product to carry out my experiment based on my hypothesis that I can produce what the market’s needs and requirements at that material time.




I have successfully overcome the numerous challenges and managed to get my blog alive and spread it widely to reach my audiences all over the globe. I then move to my next target condition to publish my Book after I successfully overcome many different and new obstacles. Fortunately, my faith and passion truly pull me over all the obstacles to get my first eBook, Better Than The Best, out few years ago. My subsequent books were produced with greater ease as I have expanded my knowledge threshold. The ability is built by doing or practicing it frequently. That’s the way I build my second habit. Previously I always focus on mastering on numbers which help me to understand its story beyond the numbers as I was in the corporate world for nearly 30 years. Now, I stay focus on mastering words and combining my strength of using both numbers and words to make my life more enlightening.




In order for me to reach out to a wider audience, I need to overcome new obstacles of getting more publishers in different segments to publish my articles regularly and establish myself in my new and upcoming trade. To keep my inspiration high at all material times, I need to constantly shift my mind to view things at its appropriate perspective to keep me moving forward. In this manner, I do not have to bother much how people look at me. To me, it is far more important for me to see how far I have reached and what I need to do in order for me to head closer to my vision. That is to be who I want to be. I used reflection practice to measure my real improvement by connecting the missing dots backwards. I will then fulfill the true outcome and my achievement in term of numbers of my published books, articles, training programs and networking I had built over these years.



Success Ideas Teamwork Plans Signpost Showing Business Plans And Organization


By now, I trust you are able to see direction is far more important than determination and dedication. We need direction to guide us to moves towards our intended goal. I then realized that I need to expand my current knowledge horizon to cater for next level of height before I can overcome my next bigger challenges. This is the way to acquire a growth mindset, which are the greatest assets within us. This growth mindset enables us to strengthen our health and wealth. However, every successful person needs to pay a price, in term of sacrifices, hard works and perhaps pains and endurance. By adopting the appropriate mindset, we can truly enjoy every moment at each and every stage as it gives you different sensation which is far beyond words.


It is worth for you to walk through the journey yourself to taste this self-fulfillment and satisfaction. To master any skill, we need to basically put it into practice regularly until it becomes part of us and becomes habitual. Knowing is not sufficient, you need to do it. By doing it regularly and you will condition your brain to automatically trigger with no or little thinking. In short, I have discovered my new profound formula which can truly measure your success with scientific way and can be even sustained with certainty, as follow:-

S    =   A x I x D

Where as

S =Success
A = Ability
I = Inspiration
D = Direction










Motivational speaker, maverick thinker and success guru James Oh with programme participants at a recent financial bootcamp! #jamesoh #maverickthinker #successguru





James Oh is a financial, wealth and mindset specialist, maverick thinker, leader and intensive researcher with nearly 30 years of professional working experiences in various industries such as trading, construction, aviation, movies investment and distribution. He is richly exposed in both local and international levels particularly in negotiating with the world leading aviation financiers, insurance and reinsurance brokers.

In the course of his practice, James had held senior specialist, supervisory, managerial and leadership positions. He provided success oriented strategic and operational plans to help nurture the companies he had worked with. His track record includes growing together with the founder of the company he worked with and listing and turning the company around when it was badly hit by the Asian Financial Crisis in 1996-97.

James has been featured in media multiple times such as the top investment magazine i.e. Smart Investor Magazine, Financial First, Money Compass, FlyMe360, Property Insight, Entrepreneur Insight, Corporate Voice Journal (MAICSA), Journal of Wealth Planning and Management. His articles also have been republished in Property Insight and Corporate Voice Journal (MAICSA), So far, he has published eight E-books, specializes in value creation.  4 out of 8 books have been upgraded to second edition and beyond.

Moving Beyond The Horizon is the mind skill course he has conducted for in-house program with the Non-Profit Organization. He had also worked in the World Health Organization under supervision of late Prof Dr. Yap Han Heng and Worldfish. He also serves as an Associate Trainer with Kaplan Institute, Singapore and IABT Advanced in Business Training Sdn Bhd

James Oh is a specialist in the area of business strategy, sustainable growth and innovation. He has created value in his diverse capacities and roles including official registered trainer with international business club, association and professional institutions; writer with numerous local magazines; blogger in the field of financial, wealth and mindset.

His recognition goes beyond the organization as he was invited to be one of the speakers at the Secretarial Conference in Kuala Lumpur on Dec 2 & 3 2015, a conference event organized by Camfori Training Provider that featured comprehensive secretarial and financial strategies and solutions featuring 10+ thought leaders and speakers.


One of his recent article has been selected to be included as a collection of the investment supplement published by MIRA. It comprised of numerous renowned authors. This limited printed copies of books were distributed to more than 300 invited members and guests in conjunction with their IR Annual Award for 2016.

James graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in Accountancy from the National University of Malaysia, and Laws degree from the London of University (UK). He is a Chartered Accountant with the Malaysian Institute of Accountant, Certified Professional Trainer with IPMA (UK) & PSMB Certified Trainer and Competent Communicator with Toastmaster International.

James Oh currently is CEO cum Value Creation Specialist with Western Academy Sdn. Bhd., and HRDF Training Provider. He can be reached at .uk