CSR continue to enrich lives, families & communities!
Cornerstone Realty won three awards, namely ‘Residential Firm of the Year’, ‘EdgeProp.my Most Innovative Marketing Idea’ and ‘Residential REN of the Year’ at this year’s MIEA National Real Estate Awards (NREA) 2018 Gala Dinner held at J.W. Marriot Hotel, Kuala Lumpur on Sunday, 21 October 2018. Kudos and bravo also to Mr. Eugene Wong Yau Kun (PEA 1602) from Cornerstone Realty for winning the prestigious ‘Residential REN of the Year’ Award. A hearty congratulations again to Eugene Wong and the rest of the Cornerstone Realty team for their amazing achievements!
The Cornerstone Realty ‘family’ during a group photo session prior to NREA 2018 gala dinner

Cornerstone Realty is an award-winning Malaysian real estate agency established since 2008 comprising seasoned agents and rookie negotiators. Throughout the years, CSR has grown and developed into a respectable yet formidable property agency. We constantly recruit new talent in expanding the company towards realizing our mission of producing 1,000 negotiators by 2020. Our ultimate vision is aspiring to become the top real estate company in the country.
With solid support from a cohesive team of property listers, project managers, sales marketers and estate negotiators, we consistently deliver results that have empowered and inspired us. Team work and family spirit also remain the core values of our corporate philosophy. Aside from incorporating CMS and EBU to coordinate and streamline sales activities and property transactions between departments, CSR also implements innovative techniques in digital marketing via social networking portals as well as traditional media platforms to exploit, engage and elevate its brand awareness within the estate industry.
Cornerstone Realty truly advocates a culture of excellence. We continually produce quality agents while providing excellent service to our loyal clientele and adding value to their property purchases. We regularly celebrate our agents’ achievements with rewards and recognition for their passion, persistence and perseverance. Their continual success remains our corporate pride and crowning glory. We also take pride in our corporate social responsibility, by giving back to society through charity. We believe in working hard as well as playing hard. After all, success and happiness go hand in hand! And we strive to differentiate ourselves from other estate agencies with our motto of “Enriching Lives, Families and Communities!” 😉

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